In a time when it is increasingly clear that the problem of obesity is getting worse, there has been an increased number of people seeking out help from weight loss doctors. This is probably unsurprising in light of the fact that over two thirds of Americans are overweight and many are not at their healthiest. Many have tried and failed with conventional methods of losing weight, while others have made use of the help of a doctor. This is not unusual when you take into account the huge number of diet pills, potions and supplements available on the market. For those looking to take their struggle to the next level, it seems there is little to choose from apart from expensive exercise machines and gels.
Before starting any weight loss treatment, it is vital to conduct thorough checks on your medical history. One of the major checks that should be conducted is with your doctor, preferably at his or her office. Your medical history should provide details on the type of lifestyle you lead, as this can greatly influence your success. For example, if you lead a very sedentary lifestyle, you may need to adjust your lifestyle to include more physical activity. Similarly, if you are a chain smoker and lead a very active lifestyle, you will need to dramatically reduce your smoking to achieve the results you want.
Once you have a full medical history, the next step is to seek out information from your physician regarding which type of weight loss doctors are best for your needs. The first type of physician to talk to is one who offers a weight loss treatment plan. While some physicians offer dietary guidelines, others encourage you to create your own weight loss plan based on your specific medical needs and goals. Generally, those who use this type of physician tend to be highly trained in nutrition and exercise. They will also be able to tailor a weight loss treatment plan to meet your specific needs and goals, often offering personalized recommendations based on your personal medical history.
Another type of Weight Loss Doctors to consider is one who will work with you through behavioral modification. Weight loss clinics commonly employ behavioral modification therapists who will help you to develop an appropriate eating and exercise schedule, help you to develop a positive attitude towards your health and encourage you to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Those who choose behavioral modification as a way to lose weight are typically more successful than those who choose dietary guidelines or exercise alone.
The final category of weight loss doctors to consider is special training bariatricians. These doctors hold advanced degrees in the field of obesity medicine specialists and have obtained specialized education and certification in this area. Because bariatricians have received specialized training and have obtained specialized education and certification in this field, they generally carry a greater level of respect than other doctors. Bariatricians who specialize in the field of obesity medicine specialists will also typically carry additional education and certifications that prove their credibility and are more likely to have their work approved by independent review committees. Those who are seeking bariatrician credentials should take the time to research all available bariatrician training programs and find one that best suits your needs.
When considering a medical weight loss doctor, make sure to look beyond the basic qualifications and consider all of the information that you can gather. Ask for references from former patients and look at a doctors’ website to learn more about his or her professional background and experiences. Gather information on metabolic rates, eating patterns and other important components of your metabolic process. Talk to your doctor about the overall health care goals you have and ask about any extra tests he or she may need to help you achieve those goals. You should feel comfortable with your decision when you have carefully considered all of the information and discussed your medical history with your doctor.